Screen Loads Module

The Screen Loads module records metrics from spans in ui.load transactions using specific span operations.

Transaction Conventions

Transaction Measurements

time_to_initial_displaymillisecondsThe time it took to load the first framerequired
time_to_full_displaymillisecondsThe time it took to fully load the screenoptional, requires manual instrumentation

Span Conventions

Span Operations

Span OPDescription
db.sql.queryA database query
db.sql.roomA database query using the Room library on Android
dbAn operation on the database
file.readReading a file from the file system
file.writeWriting to a file on the file system
http.clientAn outgoing network request
ui.loadAn operation on a mobile UI
ui.load.full_displayWhen the screen has fully completed loading
ui.load.initial_displayWhen the screen has rendered its first frame
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